Friday, February 29, 2008

New Experiences

What a busy week! We finally got all three cribs up earlier this week. We have had Nick in his own bed for about a week and he loves it. Then on Tuesday, we got the third crib built.

Cramped Quarters!

Logan finally got to sleep in his own bed on Wednesday… at least in theory. The boys got their second round of immunization shots Wednesday. They did pretty well. Logan and Nick were a little fussy during the evening. A little extra love and attention from Daddy and Grandpa B helped! (Thanks dad for coming up to help us out!) Logan continued to be fussy through the night, so he spent most of it in bed with me. Thursday night was much better and they all have been in their own beds since. It is cute in the mornings to come in and they are awake and playing in the beds – talking to themselves (or each other).

Today we took the boys to get their pictures taken at Sears. They did very well and the pictures are pretty good. They were kinda sleepy (it was about nap time), so they weren’t as energetic as they could have been. Here are a few of them.




That’s it for now. Tomorrow is the big Spring Mothers of Multiples garage sale at the interstate center. It will be the first one I’ve worked/attended and not been pregnant. I was able to shop the day before the public last fall since I was still prego. It should be interesting to see the official sale for the public!

Hope everyone’s doing well and staying warm! Isn’t all this snow pretty!?!?!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Sydney!!

Today is Sydney’s 3rd birthday! This week she’s back home playing with Grandma Carol and Pa-pa B, but last week she was up in Illinois and finally got to meet the boys. We took the boys down to Decatur on the 2nd to meet Aunt Angela and Cousin Sydney for the first time. Sydney was asleep when the boys arrived, and when she woke up she was quick to notice that there were only 2 babies. Alex was in the other room taking a nap. Logan and Nick enjoyed playing with Sydney and she even read them a book. It was one of her old books that she gave to the babies.

She was very good at helping Angela and Grandma Carol with the boys. She helped them sing to the boys when they started fussing and they quickly quieted down to listen. She did have to correct Angela a couple of times with the words of the song. Instead of “Rock-a-bye Baby” it should be “Rock-a-bye Nick” (because that’s his name). She did later change her mind and told us it was okay to say baby since he’s still a baby.

After spending the week in Decatur between grandparents (while Angela was in Florida for work), Sydney, Angela and Grandma Carol came up to Bloomington to watch the boys on Saturday. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Here are some pictures…

I was talking to Alex, Logan and Nick earlier this week and they told me they had a lot of fun with Aunt Angela and Cousin Sydney and they look forward to when they are old enough to go down and visit Sydney in Alabama! Sounds like a fun trip to me!

Happy Birthday Sydney!!!

Happy Valentines Day!!

I have the best husband in the world! Talk about a nice way to come home… Red roses from the little boys and a white rose from my big guy. And then there were the awesome shirts and cool card. Check out the surprise waiting for me when I got home from work today…

Adam did a great job of planning everything out. The boys were all wearing a shirt that said I ♥ mommy. There was a rose attached to each of their chairs and Adam standing behind them with a sweet treat! There was also an oversized card signed by everyone. By oversized, I mean the card was bigger than the boys. They all signed it with their hand prints. Thanks Uncle Brandon for making the shirts and thanks Dawn for helping with the card!

Psst... Isn't dad so cool to plan all this for mom?!

I’m very blessed to have Adam and the boys! Thanks guys!!

Speaking of cool people, Happy Birthday Mattie!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

4 Months Old!!

Tummy Time

Can you believe it’s been 4 months already? I can’t! We had our 4 month doctor checkup yesterday. Everyone was great! Doctor Lee even commented that they are very good natured and happy babies. Both Alex and Logan were in good moods and Nick (because he didn't take a nap before we went) was crying while the nurse was taking his measurements. He finally slept while she did the other two and then was happy again by the time the doctor came in. Here are their new stats:

Alex: 13 lbs 4 oz. and 25.25 inches long
Logan: 12 lbs 9.5 oz and 24.5 inches long
Nick: 14 lbs 3 oz and 24.5 inches long

Both Alex and Logan have had some cradle cap going on for a while. She said it will go away on its own and not to worry. We also asked about Logan and his eating habits. He used to eat twice as slow as his brothers. Now he eats at about the same pace, but doesn’t eat as much. Again, she said she wasn’t concerned since his growth trend is good. Otherwise, she didn’t hear any heart murmurs in Alex or Logan and Nick’s knee doesn’t pop as much as it used to (although she said if it’s still popping at our next visit, we might visit a specialist, just in case).

I was happy to be able to answer yes to all the questions they asked about the boys’ development. They’re laughing and holding their heads up and talking and blowing bubbles. They sleep on average 6 hours a night before they wake up for their early morning snack and then back to bed for a couple of hours. Some days they sleep longer and yesterday they even skipped their early morning feeding! We might try moving them into their own cribs here soon. Not sure if it will help, but maybe they’ll sleep a little longer that way.

Adam is in reading to the boys now and they’re so cute, and attentive!!

Story Time

Stay tuned for another post this week… Cousin Sydney turns three this week and we have pictures from the first time she met the boys!