Sunday, June 29, 2008
Randomness and firsts
Friday, June 20, 2008
So long infant carriers
Waa, Waa, Waa... right? Well, enough complaining. The boys are growing, which is great (I think). It's just one more step to becoming a little man. I'll adjust. And besides, we took them to the grocery store tonight and they looked so cute in their stroller without the carriers (although being the first time in that stroller, it took the adults a few minutes to figure out how to restrain the ever-moving child). And Nick in the cart was very cute! These pics aren't the best - they're from my phone - but you get the gist.
So, although we'll miss the conveniences of the carriers, I'm sure we'll learn to love the new seats too. There will continue to be new experiences (like the store today) which is always fun. Speaking of new experiences... I bought some biter biscuits today for the boys to try. Nick and Logan didn't want to even try. Alex didn't at first, but after a while, seemed to enjoy it...
The best part of the day... Adam's home again! We missed him :-)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy!
We sure were fussy today weren't we?! It probably would have helped if we slept more, but there was something else... what was it about today... I know! It was daddy's birthday, but he wasn't here! Maybe that's why we were 'in a mood' as mom would say.
Happy Birthday Daddy!! We miss you! Mom said you're in Seattle, but we don't know where that is really. All we know is we keep looking around to find you but you're not there. We sang Happy Birthday to you today. Mom said we were practicing for Saturday. All I heard is that there will be cake ... can we have some?! (Mom already said no, but we figured we'd ask dad too... just in case he says something else).
Hey Alex - did Dreft get the blood out of your onesie?
Yeah - most of it anyway.
Why do you keep bleeding all the time? Maybe you should stop putting everything in your mouth! They're not even sharp things - what gives?!
Nah... it's cool. It's fun to put things in my mouth. I just have to work on my balance so I don't jam it into the roof of my mouth like tonight. Besides, it only hurts for a few minutes and mom gives me extra attention... and a cool washcloth to chew on!
I guess that doesn't sound so bad after all! I wonder what we could get into next...
Quick - push publish... here she comes! Bye everyone (and happy birthday dad!)!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
With Adam off to Seattle (with a slight delay due to weather - of course), I packed up the boys to go to Decatur for the day. I know... we were just there yesterday. But my dad didn't get to see the boys much while we were in town, so we figured we'd visit some more (being father's day and all). The boys were in pretty good moods when we got there, and we took the opportunity for a little photo shoot. It's amazing how many pictures you can take of 3 babies and almost never get them all looking at the same place at the same time and happy. I know, I ask for a lot! Anyway, we did get a few good ones. (I also added more to the slideshow on the blog.) After lunch, we headed out to Uncle Matt and Aunt Denna's house for a family cook-out. Matt fixed some awesome steaks and chicken! After we ate, we took the boys swimming again. This time, everyone was more awake and could enjoy it more.
We got out of the pool just as a storm was coming in. We watched from the house as the rain and hail fell out of the sky. What is it about being in Decatur, with Adam's vehicle, on a holiday of sorts and it hails?! It didn't last for long and then we headed back to mom and dad's for baby dinner. After that, I'm not real sure what happened because I took a nap. I think the boys played with Grandma and Grandpa (I noticed Uncle Brandon sleeping on the couch too) because when I woke up, they were exhausted and ready to come home.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and a happy Father's day!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
8 Months Old Swimmers
We did take the boys swimming for the first time today! We went to my Aunt Barb's house and used her pool (thanks Barb!). It was a little cool at first and they weren't really sure what to make of it, but they eventually had a good time. Well, at least Alex and Logan did. Nick was getting sleepy and wasn't too interested. He just wanted to be put down for a nap. Logan was typical Logan. We put him in one of the baby floating devices (which had a bit of an incline so he could lay back) and he did his typical... hands behind the head.
For their first time they did pretty well. Nick was much happier when we dried him off and let him sleep. Don't they look so cute sleeping!
Both Alex and Logan went under the water (purely supervised of course) and didn't care much for it. Who can blame them! They did enjoy splashing and grabbing for the bubbles in the water. All in all, it was a good experience and I look forward to more swimming adventures. Maybe next time it won't be during nap time!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
And so it begins...
Okay, so we didn't have to go to prompt care, but he was bleeding. Dawn mentioned it before she left, so when Adam brought him down for dinner, we noticed he had a fat lip! Sounds like he got carried away chewing on some toys this afternoon and bonked himself. He has to put everything in his mouth and especially likes chewing on the activity center bases or bouncy chair frames. Dawn said he didn't really cry, just sucked down the blood and contined playing. Poor little man! (Silly little man!)
Chicks dig scars!
Oh yeah... Logan pooped in his bath tonight. Freaked Adam out! I can't wait til the days when all three are in the tub together and someone poops... Mom look - a new toy is floating in the water!!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandma Williams!
2 Years ago - 96th Birthday
Thanks for taking care of Claire for us. We miss you!Sunday, June 8, 2008
Our first playdate!!
Speaking of toys and playing... we had our first playdate yesterday! Mom and dad took us over to meet the Schirano triplets - James, Cameron and Ella. They are a little older than us - I think mom said they were 11 months old today. Not sure what 11 is, grandpa only counts to 5 with us and Leap Frog Lily only goes to 10. Guess 11 is really old! Anyway... there were girls!!! James was pretty cool too - he was crawling all over and even walking with help - way more advanced than us. But we've never seen girls our age before. And was it just me or did they look just alike?! It wasn't just you, but we should let Alex take it from here. Logan and I (Nick) got so excited before we went that by the time we got there, we needed to nap!
Yeah, you two were awake for a while, but then I was playing with all the new toys, turned around and you were both back in the carriers asleep. And they had such cool toys! Personally, I went for the electronics - dvd player, sound system.
Mom didn't let me play with it for long so I rolled over and found a really cool ball that rolls around - on it's own! It's just like the one mom had in the basement and brought up for us to play with later that day - she was hiding it from us. Anyway, I had a really great time haning out with even more babies. Their mom got some really cool pictures of us playing. I saw them on her blog (while you two were napping again this afternoon - you sure do sleep a lot!). You'll have to stay awake longer next time so we can get a picture of all 6 of us (where the two of you aren't sleeping in the backround)!
All of this typing is making me tired. Maybe I should go join the other two for a nap. Bye everyone! Maybe I'll dream of future playdates... It would be really cool to play with more triplets again! :-)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Is it really June already?!
The baptisms on Mother's Day went very well... kinda. The boys did great during church and the baptisms were after mass. They started out good, but then Alex started getting a little fussy. I tried to keep him entertained, but he was just so tired. Everyone did well with the water on their heads. Sydney looked a little concerned at first, but came out smiling. Nick jerked his head at the last minute and got it in his face (which didn't make him happy) but the other two just kinda laughed. They all like to take baths, so I wasn't too worried. Unfortunately, the tired/fussy thing became contagious. It was nap time after all. So instead of getting some good family pictures with the boys and their godparents, etc., we packed up and headed over to my mom's house for a potluck. Mom and Dad and Brandon had put up the tent for us to eat under. Of course, Mother Nature wasn't having a happy Mother's Day in Decatur. We got to the house and the tent had blown over (it lasted all night and was fine when they left for church). We moved everything into the garage and everyone (I hope) had a good time. Sydney changed out of her cute dress and put on a new shirt announcing that she is a Big Sister! Angela is due right around Christmas.
Adam's sister, April, and her husband, Jon, came back for the baptism. While they were here, they got to spend some time with the boys. I think it was Jon's first time feeding a baby, but he did very well.
The boys are getting better at moving to wherever they want to go. They're still rolling or scooting, no crawling yet. They are also getting much better at sitting up by themselves. Nick has been able to for a while and sits up for a long time. He prefers this to laying down, although he also likes you to give him his toys so he doesn't have to reach too far. Alex just started this weekend to sit up for longer periods by himself. Logan isn't far behind, but he likes to fall back onto you - he thinks it a game! It's so awesome to hear them laugh! Not just giggle, but gut-busting laughing.
I am happy to report that they are eating much better than in the beginning. I can't say that they have any real favorites. They'll eat anything. They may make a horrible face for the first few bites, but then they just open up and gobble down. Alex still prefers the bottle first (because he can eat it faster - there is no "too fast" for Alex). Logan still prefers food to the bottle. Nick could go either way depending on the day. We have been through all the 1st foods and are about to move onto the next stage. We tried pear juice a week or so ago from sippy cups. Didn't go so well - no one was interested. We'll try again later.
The boys love to be outside - at least for now when it's not too hot. They enjoy going for walks around the neighborhood. They also really like the swings at the park. There is a small park a block away. It will be very nice when they're older. Now they mainly just swing. We can put two in one swing - back to back. I bought a baby swing for our swing set at the Mothers of Multiples garage sale this spring. I finally put it up this weekend. It is a single swing (so we have to take turns), but they really enjoy it. I need to find one that fits two babies and we'll be set! We did find that they have mommy's fair skin. Keep them out too long and their pasty white skin turns a bright red!
Okay... I gotta go and get Adam something for his birthday/father's day. Don't forget to enjoy the new pics :)
Monday, June 2, 2008
New Pictures
One other quick note... We unofficially weighed the boys this week before their baths. Alex and Nick are coming in around 20 lbs and Logan is around 16.5 lbs. Needless to say, they are eating well and growing just fine.
I promise I'll post more soon. For now, enjoy the pics!