Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Comfy Sleepy Clothes

Tonight we put the boys in jammies. They look so cute. Granted, they are all out of it. We're getting more teeth and possibly a bit of a cold which makes for some grumpy spells. Of course they bounce out of it and go to happy baby again quickly, especially if a teething ring is pulled out!

Both Logan and Nick have started standing on their own! Logan would do it for me last night and tonight I was playing with Nick and he did it too. They will both cruise all over (holding on to something). Of course they prefer to stand up then fall straight forward into me. Remember those "Trust" activities where you fall backwards and someone is supposed to catch you? They fall straight forward without hands out or anything. Now we just need to get some steps in. Alex is walking more and more. He still usually has to pull up on something to get up and started, but once he's up, he goes!

And the fun continues... Only 14 more days til the big birthday!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Confessions of a Triplet Mom

I must confess, raising triplets isn't always rainbows and sunshine as Adam would say. There are some trying times (like all 3 getting new teeth for example) but usually we try to forget about those and remember the good times (like being mobbed by all 3 with hugs when you come in the room). That doesn't mean we're not normal parents with normal worries/fears. I decided to confess some of my obsessions/fears...

1. The boys need hair cuts in a bad way. Alex has curls sprouting out around his ears. Logan has a bit of a rat tail, although small. Nick's hair is growing over his ears and down his neck like crazy (not in his ears - that comes many years later hopefully/or hopefully not at all). Problem is, I'm scared to cut their hair. Of course the first fear is that I'll start to do it and he'll move and I'll cut the boy. And of course, as soon as I start cutting it, I'll have keep it up regularly. The biggest fear though, is that I'll give him a horrible hair cut and he'll hate me forever! Although we'll look back at the pictures in 15-20 years and laugh, the boy will just be mad at me for all the horrible haircuts I'm bound to give him in the next 15 years! Any suggestions on how to style and cut a 1 year old boy's hair?!? I have a hard enough time styling my own hair every morning!

2. I am obsessed with boogers! I'll admit I've always been an odd person and enjoy gross things. I am still upset they wouldn't let me watch my own C-section. But with the boys, there is a daily opportunity to pick boogers. I never thought it would drive me as crazy as it does, but seeing the gooey substance peaking out of their little noses... it's a challenge to see if I can A) get it in the first pass, B) get it before the boy gets upset and sucks it back up into his head, and of course C) get it out with the help of a q-tip before the boy sqirms away completely, kicking and screaming all the way! Logan, the most boogery of the bunch has become very adept of keeping mommy's fingers/q-tips out of his nose. He's even been known to stick his own fingers up mommy's nose as payback. But seriously, some of the boogers are so big, there's no way air could possibly pass around the thing. I try to show them to Adam, but he's not a booger looker. (Adam's Interjection: He just prays its not brain matter.) I can't help it...

3. I'm worried that I don't spend enough time with my kids. I know this one is a silly fear. I spend most of my evenings with the boys from the time I get home from work until they go to bed. We also spend most of our weekends with the boys. Sometimes I worry we "pass them off" to babysitters too often to do our own/adult things or ask for help too often. Three is a hand full, but they're our responsiblity right? We should be able to handle it ourselves. I mean Adam and I were both raised by working parents and we're okay, right? (Quit laughing)

3 is a good number and that enough for tonight. On a serious note... if you have suggestions on hair styles....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Babies in the Library

We took the babies up to visit daddy at work last Thursday. They were a little shy when we first got there, but with all the pretty ladies that came in to visit (and a few guys of course) they quickly started to show off their baby tricks. Alex was all too happy to show off his walking skills. He even turned around and walked back from where he came from! It did start to freak him out when everyone was cheering him on - again with the loud noises and cheering. But he finally got over that and got back to the walking/showing off bit.

They all enjoyed climbing on the shelves and pulling off books. They also enjoyed crawling under the table to look out the glass window at the front of the library. Logan kept trying to make a break for it any time someone would open the door. They do that at home too - as soon as a gate is opened/removed, they bolt for "freedom"!

Most of all, they enjoyed being with daddy at work! Thanks to everyone who stopped in to see us and taking time out of your day to visit with us!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

11 Months (plus)

One more month until the boys are 1 year old! Okay, so less than that now since I'm behind on my posting...

Alex: He has 4 teeth now, 2 on top and 2 on bottom. He's started walking on his own and getting better every day. We've found he has some things that tend to freak him out. We knew he didn't like the birthday singing out at restaurants. It seems he doesn't like loud noises and lots of people either. We went to a DMH picnic and he was fine while we were outside, but immediately started crying when we went inside where there were lots of people and loud noises (guess it's just proof he's Adam's son!). We have also noticed that dogs sometimes set him off. There is a spot or two in one of their Baby Einstein videos that he starts to get upset at. It tends to be when the dog is digging or just on the screen. The other night we put him in the activity center (as usual) and when he'd look at the book turned to the page with the dog, he'd freak out. We'd turn the page to something else, he'd be fine. He'd turn the page back to the dog and start crying again. Odd...

Logan: He has 2 teeth on the bottom. Found out tonight that he has one coming in on the top too! But it isn't one of his front teeth - odd! No wonder he's had grumpy spells lately - playing perfectly fine one minute and crying the next (but then playing again soon after). He's still our little monkey/climber. He tries to climb up on the gates or up over you onto the couch. And he loves to jump on the couch. He'll jump up and down then just fall onto his bottom.... then laugh like a mad man. He has such a big grin and a hilarious laugh. He also loves to turn around in his high chair and chew on it. Seems it is better than the food we're feeding him, unless he's getting cereal. Then he'll stay focused on what he's eating. Logan can also understand some of what we tell him (besides "no" - he ignores that). If I ask him to find the ball, he will look around the room and typically go to a white ball they have and start playing with it. He has also learned how to put the balls into shoot of one of the toys we have although sometimes he throws it a little hard and it bounces out.

Nick: He also has 2 bottom teeth. Nick loves to dance and will bounce his white boy jig when we start playing some music and dance with him. He's also good at clapping (although he's been doing that for a while now). He's also getting better at playing catch with the ball. He'll throw it to you - although not always on target. Then he'll wait for you to roll it back to him or if you take to long, he'll get it himself! He also loves to jump on the couch. He and Logan will wrestle and laugh when they crawl all over each other. I know this will one day bring blood and tears, but today it is just awesome to hear the laughs! Nick also has such an awesome smile and is almost always in a good mood after he's had a nap.

We usually give them a night time bottle before bed, but lately they are starting to be more selective about eating it. Nick typically doesn't have any of it and Alex and Logan may eat half of it (if any). They are still not fond of real food. We have tried some of the stage 3 foods (with thicker chunks) and they will eventually eat it - their faces clearly tell us they're not enjoying it though. Tried cottage cheese earlier this week and it was definitely not a fav! Alex almost immediately "gave it back" with force! He did much better with the bananas the next night. I just wish I could get them to eat more table food, but I guess I don't want them to grow up too quickly after all.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Congratulations! You’re a parent. Now what?

Babies are popping out everywhere lately. Many of the couples Tiffany & I know have recently had or are preparing to have their first children. This, combined with the fact that the boys are celebrating their first birthday next month, has caused me to reflect on my experiences over the last year. Specifically, I’m still stunned by how jarring and dramatic and significant becoming a parent really is.

Most people spend nine months preparing for their new arrival. Like many, I read a variety of books, articles, and web sites on tutorials. Tiffany & I also prepared a physical area for the boys. And then, literally in the space of a single moment, you go from just being “you” to also being Dad (or Mom).

I remember this moment distinctly in the operating as I heard Alex’s first cries followed by Logan and Nick. It was triggered by the thought “So… now what?”

All of the reading and physical preparation doesn’t really prepare you for the emotional and psychological magnitude of event. It’s more than just adjusting to a new schedule, learning new skills, and engaging in new activities. There is a change in who you are, your fundamental being, that is more sudden and has more gravity than most other experiences that have changed your life.

One minute you’re not a parent and the next minute you are. And your life is opened to a new world filled with wonder and terror... Good Luck!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tried the grass again...

Yep... still didn't like it.
Alex - I am not going back out there in the grass!

Logan - I don't like this!

Nick - I found a cricket!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Alex Walking Video

Alex is getting better at walking. He's still only taking a few steps if you coax him. But when I pull out the camera, he'll walk half way across the living room to get to it! Hence the video...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I don't think he llikes it...

Having three babies can be stressful at times and it is a heck of a lot of work. All very worth while and we are happy/lucky/blessed to have such wonderful, healthy, happy babies. What stresses me out the most is feedings. At first it was just the coordination of holding 3 bottles at one time. Then they held their own bottles and it was heaven. Next it was time for baby food - both exciting (new experiences) and scary (new experiences). The coordination and timing alone can be tricky. Throw in a temperamental baby and it's just crazy.

In general, the boys will eat almost any of the baby food jars we've given them. There are a few exceptions - mac and cheese dinners mean instant regurgitation by all 3; barley cereal is also not a favorite - they spit it back out as fast as you can put it in. Moving on to self-serve foods, they do well with Cheerios or puffs and sometimes the biter biscuits. No one is interested in trying real foods though... I've tried bananas, peaches, apples - all soft and diced into small pieces - but all I get is a sour face and the food coming right back out. I know we just need to keep trying new foods and give them multiple chances at it, but I'm starting to worry that they're only going eat Cheerios for ever.

And Nick is still Nick... He doesn't adapt quickly to new foods. He's still not a fan of Cheerios (unless you put it in his mouth - and he's in the mood for it). Add on to that... recently he's found a fondness of blowing raspberries/zerberts with food in his mouth, covering himself, his tray, the floor - US - in whatever he's eating. He has been known to get a sink bath after dinner instead of the normal washcloth cleanup. Let's just say, this picture doesn't do it justice!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More Randomness

Some things I forgot in the last blog...
Nick is such a lover! He will give you kisses now - wet, open mouthed, sloppy kisses. Granted, he has to be in the right mood, but with Nick, he always has to be in the right mood. He will still give eskimo kisses every once in a while too (or witch kisses). But the cutest thing... Some times he will go over to one of his brothers and give him a kiss! Adorable!
Logan is our escape artist. A gate is just a new challenge to him. Some he will try to climb over while others he tries to squeeze through the gaps. Yesterday we were playing in the kitchen, but they're not allowed in the family room, so I had the gate propped up to block the door way. It isn't attached to anything, just sitting there. Logan found out that he can squeeze between the bottom of the gate and the couch... a space just big enough for him!
Alex's hair is getting so long that it's starting to get curls behind his ears. They all need hair cuts! Alex has also been a bit clingy to mom lately - I think it's the teeth. He's got two on the bottom and one coming in on the top (with a second on the top that isn't far under the skin). He's been chewing on his pacifier a lot more - even busted the teething ring this weekend chewing on it. Did I mention it drives me crazy when he grates his teeth?!
We have some cute videos from the past weekend, but having some technical troubles playing them... stay tuned... more to come :-)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Teeth Galore and 1st Steps!

Logan has his first tooth! And Nick is starting to get his second! And Alex has his third! Through it all, they're all typically in good moods. A little more chewing on things, sucking on lips, needy for pacifiers or thumbs - whatever is available. Alex has even been found grinding his teeth - drives me crazy!

Alex has taken his first steps! He has been standing on his own for a little while and just over the weekend, he's been taking some steps on his own. He still prefers to walk with assistance, but he doesn't need much help. Without your hand helping him, he'll only take a step or two, usually towards the next thing to grab onto. If he has a hold on something, he'll walk the length of it (at a quick pace) until he runs out of whatever he's holding.

Baby bumper cars: As the boys have been exploring the house and getting in rooms that are not filled with toys, they take the opportunity to race each other even more. They will follow each other across the room (kinda like racing). They will also crawl towards each other - like playing chicken - and run into each other. Usually it's just hilarious and they laugh like crazy, unless they happen to bonk heads. That tends to cause some tears or at least screams.

Stay tuned for some more cute pictures and videos of the boys...