Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We let the boys fish for the first time this weekend... and they loved it!

Okay, so it wasn't really fishing, but the game Let's Go Fishin'! The Easter Bunny brought it for them last weekend and they looked at it on the mantel all week (in the wrapping until I had a chance to validate the age appropriateness). Once it was opened, they were obsessed for the next few days. It is slowly starting to wear off, but they still go back to it frequently throughout the day.
Nick ~ Proud of his catch!
Alex ~ Is this big enough to keep or throw back?

We talked a little bit about one day when they go fishing for real with dad and grandpa and get to use worms and hooks. They seemed to be interested, but then again, the fish were going around and around on the table, so I'm not sure they were really paying attention to me!