This year for mom's birthday we decided to walk with her in the Heartwalk. Decatur Memorial Hospital (DMH) encourages their employees to walk and provides t-shirts to the walkers. It was a sea of red t-shirts! Mom even got shirts for the boys. I tried to take their picture in the shirts ahead of time, figuring it would be a good visual to get folks to donate. Unfortunately they weren't excited to have their picture taken.
What do you mean you're not going to donate to the Heartwalk?!
The weather was not very welcoming for a walk, but we bundled the boys up in their strollers and went to the park anyway. Just as the walkers were lining up to start, it started to rain. We choose to hang out under the pavilion instead of walk! It actually turned out better. Alex slept through most of the morning, but Logan and Nick were awake. They got their pictures taken with the DMH mascot (Ted E. Barnes) and Miss Illinois!
Who wants to walk when there's a pretty girl here?!Can you tell they were happier to be in a pretty girl's arms than with a big bear?! Typical boys!
After the Heartwalk we met up with the family for lunch to celebrate mom's birthday. Everyone seemed to have a good time (they had pitcher margarita specials). I added some additional pictures from the day to the slide show in the right column of the blog. Enjoy!!
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