Monday, July 7, 2008

Cousin Sydney

As promised, a post on our visit with Cousin Sydney...

Sydney was up visiting a couple of weeks ago and came up to our house to help us celebrate Adam's Birthday, Father's Day and Audrey & David's Anniversary. This was also the first weekend the boys were out of their carriers. We went to Carlos O'Kellys for dinner and Sydney ordered cheese dip for us in Spanish! (Granted, the waitress had no idea what she was talking about - still cute!) She and the boys were all pretty well behaved. She even scolded Papaw B, saying "You're making a mess!" It was very cute!

We then came back to the house and opened gifts. Sydney helped everyone open their gifts and even helped with the cake. The boys were sleeping so she was the star of the show.

After the boys ate, she was playing with them and reading to them. I think this might be one of the first group pictures we've gotten where everyone is actually awake!

We also took a walk with Sydney and the boys. When it was time to go, Sydney decided she'd rather stay. Since her mom was expecting her home the next day, we convinced her that she needed to go to Grandma Carol's to pack up her suitcase. She was moving up into a new class on Monday when she got back to day care. It was supposed to be 1/2 days for a week (half in her old class and half in the new), but she enjoyed it so much, she stayed in the new class all day towards the end of the week. The old class was too boring!

She's definitely a cutey! We wish we could see her more often, but for now we'll have to stay updated with pictures. I think she's planning on coming back up later this summer. We hope to see her then!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Nice pictures - you got some great group shots of the boys! Logan seems quite surprised by the camera in a few of them :)