I must confess, raising triplets isn't always rainbows and sunshine as Adam would say. There are some trying times (like all 3 getting new teeth for example) but usually we try to forget about those and remember the good times (like being mobbed by all 3 with hugs when you come in the room). That doesn't mean we're not normal parents with normal worries/fears. I decided to confess some of my obsessions/fears...
1. The boys need hair cuts in a bad way. Alex has curls sprouting out around his ears. Logan has a bit of a rat tail, although small. Nick's hair is growing over his ears and down his neck like crazy (not in his ears - that comes many years later hopefully/or hopefully not at all). Problem is, I'm scared to cut their hair. Of course the first fear is that I'll start to do it and he'll move and I'll cut the boy. And of course, as soon as I start cutting it, I'll have keep it up regularly. The biggest fear though, is that I'll give him a horrible hair cut and he'll hate me forever! Although we'll look back at the pictures in 15-20 years and laugh, the boy will just be mad at me for all the horrible haircuts I'm bound to give him in the next 15 years! Any suggestions on how to style and cut a 1 year old boy's hair?!? I have a hard enough time styling my own hair every morning!
2. I am obsessed with boogers! I'll admit I've always been an odd person and enjoy gross things. I am still upset they wouldn't let me watch my own C-section. But with the boys, there is a daily opportunity to pick boogers. I never thought it would drive me as crazy as it does, but seeing the gooey substance peaking out of their little noses... it's a challenge to see if I can A) get it in the first pass, B) get it before the boy gets upset and sucks it back up into his head, and of course C) get it out with the help of a q-tip before the boy sqirms away completely, kicking and screaming all the way! Logan, the most boogery of the bunch has become very adept of keeping mommy's fingers/q-tips out of his nose. He's even been known to stick his own fingers up mommy's nose as payback. But seriously, some of the boogers are so big, there's no way air could possibly pass around the thing. I try to show them to Adam, but he's not a booger looker. (Adam's Interjection: He just prays its not brain matter.) I can't help it...
3. I'm worried that I don't spend enough time with my kids. I know this one is a silly fear. I spend most of my evenings with the boys from the time I get home from work until they go to bed. We also spend most of our weekends with the boys. Sometimes I worry we "pass them off" to babysitters too often to do our own/adult things or ask for help too often. Three is a hand full, but they're our responsiblity right? We should be able to handle it ourselves. I mean Adam and I were both raised by working parents and we're okay, right? (Quit laughing)
3 is a good number and that enough for tonight. On a serious note... if you have suggestions on hair styles....
Buzz cut with clippers, Grandpa style. Holding them still for it is another issue. Two person job per boy, at least. I'll help if you want. :)
Boogers are just nose filters, you grab them, they'll make more.
We don't see babysitting opportunities as passing them off, because we enjoy our time with them. They seem to enjoy it too, so it's win/win/win.
You're doing fine.
james just got his 1st haircut tonight! we took him to the woman who cuts john's hair, i was not brave enough to try it myself. he sat on john's and then my lap and we had to hold his head still so she could cut it. i definitely think you need at least 2 people!
boogers are gross :) i am always picking my kids noses too, and yet they still ALWAYS seem to have boogers!
and, of course, the inevitable mommy guilt none of us can escape. just remember that you need time off as a couple and time off to yourself! and your kids need time with other people who love them too! it is quite clear to me that you are a fabulous mommy with lots of love for your 3 little boys - you are doing a great job!
Don't feel bad for working (or playing). You need time away from them and they need time away from you. And the $ you bring in while away working benefits the family and will allow you to do things in the future you otherwise would not be able to do. It would be great if you could cut their hair while they were sleeping-but is that possible!?
ps anonymous is Vickie
I cut my boys hair. My suggestions are to buy good scissors, it makes it go faster. We set them on a fold up chair with a booster in front of a movie. I cut hair while Tony feeds them treats. It's not easy, but not bad either. I also wrap a child size towel around them to catch hair and bind their arms. I know nothing about cutting hair and have never taken any training on how to cut hair. But when I went to get my own hair cut I watched the process very closely and asked for tips. My stylist told me there is a place in town just across from Meyer that has cars they can sit in and movies they watch while getting an $11 haircut. That's where she takes her own children. Funny, eh?
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