Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our babies are so awesome!

Our babies are so awesome! It's so hard to believe a year has gone by already. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were up every 3 hours feeding them bottles?

We were excited when they let out a big burp. Now we scold them when they blow raspberries with a mouth full of food.

They all slept in the bassinet of the pack 'n' play for the majority of the day. Now the pack 'n' play is a portable bed for 1 of them!

We used to think it was frustrating to dress them because of all the snaps on their sleepers. Ah, the days when they couldn't roll over, wiggle or crawl away. It's amazing how quickly they can get one leg out of their pants while you are working on the second, and then the second leg out when you go back for the first, and... you get the picture!

Their little heads used to be so bald - Nick was easy to pick out of the three because he actually had a lot of dark hair while the other two had little whisps of blonde. Now they all need a haircut something awful! Mullets are not back!

We would put down one blanket in the middle of the play room for them to all get tummy time. Now the play room barely has room to walk through there are so many toys!

Since our last post:
Alex now has 5 teeth, 2 on bottom and 3 on top. They're very sharp too! He has a habit of coming over for hugs, burying his head in your shoulder and biting down - hopefully getting a mouth full of shirt, but sometimes you get a 'love bite'! He babbles a lot more and walks everywhere - very well! And he loves he remotes (or the playstation controller)! That is the first place he'll go to when we let them into the living room.

Logan has 4 teeth with two more coming in, 2 on bottom and 2 (4) on top. It is actually not his front two teeth that came in first - it was the ones between the front teeth and the canine. Kinda odd, but so cute! He's also standing on his own now and taking a few steps. He gets so excited to take a few steps. Logan doesn't typically babble quite as much as his brothers, but he likes to yell out the window the past few days. He does kinda say 'b' sounds as in book or bird.

Nick has 3 teeth, 2 on bottom and one on top. He talks up a storm - typically 'ga' or 'du' and of course 'dada'. He can almost say 'dog' - or at least that's what he trys to mimic when we say 'dog'. He loves to look at the bugs on the blanket in the play room - specifically the lady bugs. He kinda says the bu part of bugs, but I could be imagining things.

We all had our first cold a couple of weeks ago (about the time the blogging stopped). The boys did surprisingly well. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as I had feared our first cold would be. Of course, that just means that they didn't have a bad cold and there is more to come in the future. The first night was really the worst. They all took turns waking up and crying because they couldn't breathe. Thankfully, they took turns most of the night. Only one time that two were up at the same time. Otherwise, during the days they were just lethargic and kinda clingy. It was most odd to see Logan sit still for so long (okay, so it was probably 2 minutes or something, but for him, that's long!). It only lasted 3 or 4 days, and each night got better, so we got off pretty easy!

They are all getting good at playing peek-a-boo with the blankets. Alex will hold the blanket up in front of his face and drop it down so you can find him. Logan loves to hide under the blanket when you put it on him... and doesn't even try to take it off. But once you do, he laughs like he was in the most perfect hiding spot! Nick likes to have the blanket thrown on him and he'll pop out from under it. But the best part is when they play peek-a-boo with each other. Someone will hide under and the others will crawl up on him and they all end up in a big baby pile giggling at each other.


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

this age is so fun isn't it? challenging, yes, but fun!

Anonymous said...

Will you bring the kids to Jacksonville for Homecoming?