Monday, June 15, 2009

Sleepy Time

This weekend, we started the boys on a new schedule - only 1 nap a day! They usually take a late morning to early afternoon nap before lunch and then another short nap before dinner. But the late afternoon naps have been hit or miss lately. Some days they are just pooped and sleep well. Other days, it's just an exercise in crib hopping - no sleep for the wicked! Actually, I think this change in schedule will affect Adam and I more than the boys. We're used to getting home from work while they're "sleeping" and having a few minutes, boy free, to fix dinner. Oh well...

We started Saturday and the boys did pretty good. We were able to keep them entertained outside so they "forgot" it was nap time. But at lunch they were pretty quite and tired. Nick even had to get down early to go lay on the couch until his brothers were done. I figured he'd be the most disturbed by this new schedule since he's the one that 90-some percent of the time took both naps (and would ask to go upstairs for the first one). They did well the rest of the day with only the one nap! Sunday was about the same. Today we took them to the park to keep them entertained (after their hair cuts) and they had a blast (more on that soon). When we got home for lunch though, they were sooooo tired! They did well for a while, but then Nick started to fall asleep. Logan wasn't far behind him. Problem was, they were still eating - at least Logan was! Here's a quick video of them at lunch today. Nick was already asleep, Logan was eating but asleep and Alex wasn't far behind...

Of course, we got them out of their chairs and ready for naps... and they perked up and wanted to play again. Granted, that only lasted for about 15 minutes and then they were all rushing the stairs to go to bed... and that's where they are now... so peaceful!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

that video is hilarious and so cute!