The boys are asleep (and snoring) so I figured it’d be a good time to post.
The boys are growing and doing more each day. They are laughing every once in a while. Most of the time it’s completely unexpected too. Nick’s first laugh was while he was asleep. He was lying on Grandma Carol asleep and just started laughing. It was hilarious. It didn’t even wake him up and he kept doing it. We tried to video tape it, but the combination of low battery and stubborn baby (he quit as soon as we grabbed the camera) meant no video. It wasn’t long after Nick started laughing that Alex and Logan did too. Always figured Logan would laugh first since he’s always so smiley. Nick is usually the “serious” one (I say “grumpy,” Adam says “serious”).
They are also starting to notice each other more. Especially during feedings/burpings. I’ll have one next to me and sit the other up to burp. Usually one of them will look at his brother and start smiling and sometimes even try to talk to the other one. Of course, the other one is oblivious to his brother talking to him. It’s still cute. We have sat two down facing each other and they usually notice each other then. It is cute watching them talk to each other (or the bear – they get so excited!).
Another new development is crunches. They are starting to lift themselves up like they were doing a crunch. It looks like they are trying to get out of their chairs. Along with that, they are doing better at sitting up. Not on their own yet, but they can sit up for a while with only minimal assistance. Of course it’s funny to see them sway and start to fall to one side. Still no rolling though.
We sat them down in front of the TV for the first time last weekend (or two weeks ago, now I can’t remember). Can you believe it? My children and they didn’t get to watch TV for the first 3 months of their lives?! Well, they loved it. We turned on a Baby Einstein video (Baby’s First Moves) and put them on the floor in front of the TV. They all were watching and cooing at the TV. A little while later we noticed they were all getting fussy (not unusual, but they were so happy for so long!). We turned around and realized the credits were rolling. Seems they were upset it was over. I guess that’s why the Baby Einstein DVDs have a “repeat play” option. It never has to end! Thanks to Cousin Sydney for sharing her Baby Einstein videos! That is what we’re watching now (although I think I’m the only one awake – again I reference the snoring).
Over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, I took the boys down to Decatur for a visit We visited Uncle Brandon at work (Target) and Grandma Carol at work (Decatur Memorial Hospital). They both enjoyed showing the boys off to their co-workers. We also saw Great Aunt Barb at DMH. One of her co-workers talked some of the nurses in another area of the hospital into letting us use their baby scales. So we got an un-official weight for each boy. They still had their clothes and diapers on, so the weights are probably slightly off, but still close…
Alex: 12 lbs 14 oz.
Logan: 11 lbs 13.4 oz.
Nick: 13 lbs 9.4 oz.
After that, we went to Hometown Buffet and had dinner with Uncle Matt, Aunt Denna, Cousin Mattie, Aunt Barb, Great-Grandma Kreher, Great-Grandpa Brandy and Ruth (and of course, Grandpa B, Grandma Carol and Uncle Brandon). Then it was back home to see daddy. The boys do pretty well in the car. They definitely like the faster speeds though. Especially on the way home, they usually get fussy in town, but once I hit 65 mph, they all calm down and sleep… until I get to Bloomington and have to slow down!
The last piece of news I have today (and possibly the best) is about sleep. Sleep is something Adam and I don’t get much of and they boys of course fight (which is kinda cute). But, they have had a couple of really good nights where they sleep longer. Last Friday night/Saturday morning they slept until 5:30 before we had to get up and feed them! Then Monday night/Tuesday morning they slept until 3:45!!! I know, that is earlier than 5:30, but the big difference is I didn’t have to get up once to put a pacifier back in or anything! Usually I’m up at least once or twice to calm a fussy baby by either giving him his pacifier or bringing him to bed with me. Then if another one gets fussy, I play musical babies. I know… I shouldn’t start the habit of bringing them to bed with me. But until we start putting them in their own beds, the best plan is to remove the fussy baby before he wakes up his brother(s). So when I didn’t have to get up Monday night at all, I was ecstatic. Plus, since they still need an over-night feeding and we need to get to work, 4:00 is the latest we can let them sleep. So it was perfect. They might have actually slept longer too, but Logan woke up when Nick started sucking on his (Logan’s) hand. Nick isn’t as excited about taking a pacifier, but he loves to suck on fists, his or his brother’s!!
Well, I should go get ready for baths. I’ll leave you with a few pictures…
The boys are growing and doing more each day. They are laughing every once in a while. Most of the time it’s completely unexpected too. Nick’s first laugh was while he was asleep. He was lying on Grandma Carol asleep and just started laughing. It was hilarious. It didn’t even wake him up and he kept doing it. We tried to video tape it, but the combination of low battery and stubborn baby (he quit as soon as we grabbed the camera) meant no video. It wasn’t long after Nick started laughing that Alex and Logan did too. Always figured Logan would laugh first since he’s always so smiley. Nick is usually the “serious” one (I say “grumpy,” Adam says “serious”).
They are also starting to notice each other more. Especially during feedings/burpings. I’ll have one next to me and sit the other up to burp. Usually one of them will look at his brother and start smiling and sometimes even try to talk to the other one. Of course, the other one is oblivious to his brother talking to him. It’s still cute. We have sat two down facing each other and they usually notice each other then. It is cute watching them talk to each other (or the bear – they get so excited!).
Another new development is crunches. They are starting to lift themselves up like they were doing a crunch. It looks like they are trying to get out of their chairs. Along with that, they are doing better at sitting up. Not on their own yet, but they can sit up for a while with only minimal assistance. Of course it’s funny to see them sway and start to fall to one side. Still no rolling though.
We sat them down in front of the TV for the first time last weekend (or two weeks ago, now I can’t remember). Can you believe it? My children and they didn’t get to watch TV for the first 3 months of their lives?! Well, they loved it. We turned on a Baby Einstein video (Baby’s First Moves) and put them on the floor in front of the TV. They all were watching and cooing at the TV. A little while later we noticed they were all getting fussy (not unusual, but they were so happy for so long!). We turned around and realized the credits were rolling. Seems they were upset it was over. I guess that’s why the Baby Einstein DVDs have a “repeat play” option. It never has to end! Thanks to Cousin Sydney for sharing her Baby Einstein videos! That is what we’re watching now (although I think I’m the only one awake – again I reference the snoring).
Over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, I took the boys down to Decatur for a visit We visited Uncle Brandon at work (Target) and Grandma Carol at work (Decatur Memorial Hospital). They both enjoyed showing the boys off to their co-workers. We also saw Great Aunt Barb at DMH. One of her co-workers talked some of the nurses in another area of the hospital into letting us use their baby scales. So we got an un-official weight for each boy. They still had their clothes and diapers on, so the weights are probably slightly off, but still close…
Alex: 12 lbs 14 oz.
Logan: 11 lbs 13.4 oz.
Nick: 13 lbs 9.4 oz.
After that, we went to Hometown Buffet and had dinner with Uncle Matt, Aunt Denna, Cousin Mattie, Aunt Barb, Great-Grandma Kreher, Great-Grandpa Brandy and Ruth (and of course, Grandpa B, Grandma Carol and Uncle Brandon). Then it was back home to see daddy. The boys do pretty well in the car. They definitely like the faster speeds though. Especially on the way home, they usually get fussy in town, but once I hit 65 mph, they all calm down and sleep… until I get to Bloomington and have to slow down!
The last piece of news I have today (and possibly the best) is about sleep. Sleep is something Adam and I don’t get much of and they boys of course fight (which is kinda cute). But, they have had a couple of really good nights where they sleep longer. Last Friday night/Saturday morning they slept until 5:30 before we had to get up and feed them! Then Monday night/Tuesday morning they slept until 3:45!!! I know, that is earlier than 5:30, but the big difference is I didn’t have to get up once to put a pacifier back in or anything! Usually I’m up at least once or twice to calm a fussy baby by either giving him his pacifier or bringing him to bed with me. Then if another one gets fussy, I play musical babies. I know… I shouldn’t start the habit of bringing them to bed with me. But until we start putting them in their own beds, the best plan is to remove the fussy baby before he wakes up his brother(s). So when I didn’t have to get up Monday night at all, I was ecstatic. Plus, since they still need an over-night feeding and we need to get to work, 4:00 is the latest we can let them sleep. So it was perfect. They might have actually slept longer too, but Logan woke up when Nick started sucking on his (Logan’s) hand. Nick isn’t as excited about taking a pacifier, but he loves to suck on fists, his or his brother’s!!
Well, I should go get ready for baths. I’ll leave you with a few pictures…