Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Monolith...

The latest fascination for the boys are the ceiling fans. They will stare up at them in amazement...

What we see...

What they see...
(Only the sci-fi geeks in the audience will get this one...)

Its going to completely blow their mind in the summer when we actually turn the fans on.

Cheers & Happy New Year. :)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy Hectic Holiday

Alex, Nick, and Logan celebrated their first Christmas this year. In fact they celebrated it three times! On December 23, Tiffany took the boys to Decatur to celebrate with the Krehers and associated families (Tiffany’s mom’s family). Christmas Eve was spent with the Benningtons at our house. And then it was back down to Decatur on Christmas Day to open presents at Brandon & Carol’s as well as dinner at Matt’s.

Needless to say, it was a busy time for Tiff & I as we spent a lot of time cleaning, wrapping presents, cooking, cleaning up after cooking, getting the boys ready, driving, etc. etc. It kind of got frustrating because by the time we had time to sit down and enjoy time with the boys, Tiffany & I were exhausted! For their part, the boys pretty much slept through events. When they were awake, dad managed to slip Nick a bit of wine on his pacifier and Alex some cranberry sauce. And Grandpa Brandon tried feeding Logan some of Grandma’s mashed potatoes, much to the consternation of mom…

The boys got lots of clothes and toys that they’ll be able to use over the next year, including some of the following…

- Personalized blocks from April and Jon including their full name, birthdate, birth weight and length.

- A giggly face toy- Activity center from Uncle Brandon (some assembly required)
- 2007 Coin Set from the U.S. Mint:

Tiff & I got lots of nice loot including (but not limited to) some of the following…

Thanks to all the folks who limited exposure to the boys due to illness. Doc keeps warning us respiratory infections really cause havoc in preemies. We know it was a pain, but we really appreciate it. We’ll probably be a lot less cautious once the boys reach about six months old.

Merry Christmas from the Benningtons!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Nick's Hip & a Trip to State Farm

As we mentioned in an earlier post, Nick's right hip/knee has been popping for some time. Our pediatrician recommended having a sonogram of the hip, but they didn't find anything wrong. It doesn't appear to be hurting him because he doesn't cry when it happens, so the doc told us to just keep an eye on it.

Alex, Nick & Logan also had their first trip to a library on Friday. Mom & Grandpa (Brandon) brought them in to State Farm to meet Adam's co-workers. The boys were a little shy, but very well received. We thought about charging a $1 admission price and $2 for five minute holding sessions, but decided against it.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Smile for the Camera!

Alex, Logan and Nick are all smiling much more now (and not just when they have gas)! Here is a short video of Logan smiling (and not smiling). They actually even smile bigger now, but the video is still kinda cute – at least I think it is. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Visit to the Cardiologists & Sonographers

We mentioned in the last entry that Alex and Logan were being watched for heart murmurs and that Nick was being looked at for his hip. Alex and Nick went to see the baby cardiologist in Peoria and we are happy to report that the docs don't believe there is anything seriously wrong. After looking at the x-rays, EKGs, blood pressure readings, pulses, and listening to their hearts, the doc said the murmur was "normal" and to check back in another year. The murmur was so faint on Logan that the doctor couldn't hear it. While Alex fussed initially, both he and Logan were generally calm. Logan is also turning out to be quite the little flirt as he flashed his smiles and glances at many of the nurses.

So while we were happy that nothing serious was wrong, the trip to the cardiologists felt like kind of a waste. It took more time to get the boys out of the car and into the right hospital suite than the check up took. Luckily the boys seem to travel well. Put them in the car seats and start the car and they are out. After getting 2.5 hours of sleep on Sunday night due to fussy babies, daddy may just take them down to the car and sleep there next time!

The trip also gave us a chance to stop and see some of Tiffany's co-workers at CAT. The boys had quite a welcoming committee!

Not to be left out, Nick had a sonogram on his hip this morning, which continues to pop. No news on the results as of yet.

2 Months Old!

It’s been a little while since the last blog update, but in this case no news is good news.

We had our 2 month pediatrician appointment last week so we can share the following measurements…
  • Alex: 9 lbs, 8 ½ oz. – 21 ¾ inches long
  • Logan: 9 lbs 4 ½ oz. – 22 1/10 inches long
  • Nick: 9 lbs 10 ½ oz – 22 9/10 inches long

The Inmates at Play
This puts them in the small-ish size for two month olds, mainly because they were preemies. However, they are gaining weight & length as they should. And they are a lot more active and attentive. They all stay awake longer after feedings and they are getting strong! Each of the boys has quite a grip! All can hold their neck upright and they like to smile a lot. Unfortunately, they smile a lot more during the day than at night. So by the time daddy gets home sometimes there is a prison riot going on.
There have been a few minor problems that the docs continue to monitor. Alex and Logan both have heart murmurs and holes in their hearts. From what I’ve read and heard other parents discuss, this condition is pretty common, especially in newborns, and goes away as the heart continues to develop. The docs don’t really think it’s very serious, but are running some sonos & x-rays to make sure it’s not something that will get worse. And Nick’s right hip pops a lot. It doesn’t seem to hurt him at all, but we are getting sonos to make sure that something bad isn’t happening. We hosted Thanksgiving at the Bennington Casa this year. No turkey for the boys this year, except for the one that mom brought. What’s that human doing attached to its butt??

Turkey with a Grandma Attached

And of course, Thanksgiving offered some prime time for photo ops...

The Bennington Clan

The Williams Clan

Scions of the Benningtons

The final bit of news is that we have hired a nanny to take care of the boys after Tiffany goes back to work in early January. We’re very excited about having Dawn on board. And while I’m sure Tiffany will miss the boys, she’s also looking forward to a bit of adult contact.

Happy Babies & Cute Onesies

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!
2 1/2 weeks and everyone is doing great! I promise I'll post more information soon, but for now, here are some halloween pictures of the boys - Alex, Logan & Nick!

Terrible Trio of Terror

Momma's Boys
The master & his padawans

This is one of dad's favorites - Alex's Pumpkin Pirate Posse Pose

Monday, October 15, 2007

They're finally here!

They're finally here! Alexander Baron and Logan Karl Bennington entered the world at 4:50 pm Sunday, October 14. Nicholas Andrew was only one minute behind.

Alex: 4 lbs, 9 oz. 17 3/4 inches long. Peed first. Blond and tiny.

Nick: 5 lbs, 10 oz. 18 inches long. Most hair.

Logan: 5 lbs, 3. oz. 19 1/4 inches long. Most problems. :)

In general, the boys are doing great. All the docs and nurses are really impressed they are in such good condition for triplets, but then they stayed in a very long time for triplets. They all had low blood sugar when they came out, so the docs gave them some sugar water to suck down and they were fine. Poor Logan, however, seems to have blown a hole in one of his lungs. Nothing serious, the docs say, and not uncommon. Something about their first cry when they come out and negative pressure sometimes pops a little whole. So they have Logan hooked up to an IV through his head of all places. Apparently this is actually a really good place to put it in babies because they can't get at it. Tiff and I have fed each of them at least once and have held all of them.

Tiffany is recovering pretty well. She's sore. And the pain meds they were giving her were making her itch, so she really didn't sleep well last night. They switched her to something else tonight. She's been up and walking around a little and when I left this evening she was taking a shower.

Everyone is due to come home on Thursday.

Tiffany's View of the Operation

The New Family

Plotting Against the Parents

The Nursery
(This may look like a lot of people, but there were more in the OR!)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Still Stuck in the Hospital

Well, that was a week ago and we’re now at 34 weeks (and it’s October)!!! The doctor came in and took me off the medication to stop the contractions. Basically we’re back to the wait-and-see game. It’s up to the boys (and how much more my uterus can take) on when it’s birthing time.

The past week has been rather uneventful. We had one scare earlier last week when the contractions got closer together, but after a quick exam, everything was fine. They turned up the meds over night, but I was back to normal by morning. Otherwise, they monitor the babies once a day now and contractions 3 times daily. I am on “bed rest with bathroom privileges” so I at least get to take a shower each day! I even got a facial yesterday!! They have a volunteer that comes around once a month to this floor to give complementary facials. That was a nice escape from the boredom.

Thanks to all the great visitors that have stopped by and called!! That helps pass the time too. Adam has been great bringing me my TV shows on VHS or downloading them from TIVO onto the laptop. They don’t have internet access here, so I’m definitely behind on my email (and of course this blog)! But, we’re hanging in there. We’ll try to keep updates a little more regular for you (reading this blog).

Here are some more pictures. The first is at 33 weeks (when I went into the hospital). The second is at 34 weeks.

In the Hospital

We had our doctor appointment at Maternal Fetal in Peoria today. This time mom came with me to see the sonos (and so Adam can save his vacation time for when the boys are here). Everything on the sonos looked good. With so much baby in there, it’s harder and harder to tell individual babies from one another. We couldn’t see faces very well as they were all intermingled with each other. The good news is that we have 3, 4 1/2 pound boys squirming around. The bad news is that my cervix is shortening even more. The “trap door” is still closed, but it isn’t as thick of a door to get through! The doctor, of course, was concerned about the shortening, so they put me on a monitor at the doctor’s office to see if I was contracting. No contractions, but he still wanted to admit me to the hospital. Mom brought me over and we got all settled in. They put me on monitors to track the babies’ heart rates and to check again for contractions. After being on the monitor for about 30 minutes, they said I had had 5 contractions in 15 minutes. They were very mild, short contractions and I could hardly tell I was having them.

Since the doctor would like for us to get to at least 34 weeks, they started giving me Magnesium Sulfate to stop the contractions. They also gave me a steroid injection to help stimulate the babies’ lung development (just in case). Now they will monitor the babies’ heart rates and my contractions daily. The average delivery of triplets is between 32 and 34 weeks and we’re at 33. Everyone at the hospital was saying “Wow – we can’t believe you’ve made it this long. That’s awesome!”

MOM and the Baby Limo

Mom came up today to go with me to the Bloomington-Normal Mothers of Multiples Club semi-annual garage sale. They have a big sale twice each year out at the interstate center and being an expecting mom, I was able to get in early on Friday night. The sale is usually open on Saturday to the public, but they open Friday for members and for other MOM organizations in the area. Yes, I’m still on bed rest, so mom got to push me around in a wheelchair. They definitely have tons of stuff from racks of clothes to games and toys to bigger items like car seats and strollers. Mom was excited about the triplet stroller we got (for only $25 – typically retails in the $300 – $500 range). It is obviously used, but still nice. Definitely not one to transport around in the car, but still good for around the neighborhood. Dad took some pictures of it with the different canopy configurations.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Baby Jack 'O Lantern

Okay… I guess that’s what I get for trying to wear a different outfit from the 4 or 5 I’ve worn all summer! “You look like a pumpkin!!” Sheesh – I realize I’m huge now, but really!! Okay, so after Brandon made the jack 'o lantern pieces, I guess I really do look like a pumpkin.

Oh well, I guess at 31 ½ weeks, pregnant with triplets, no mom is going to like the pictures taken of her. So, here’s more. The first one is about 29 weeks and the second one is 31 weeks.

Just 5 more weeks to go (or longer, but at least 5)! That will put us at 36 weeks and that’s the marker for when the doctors can deliver here in Bloomington. So far the boys are behaving themselves. I can only assume they are growing since my belly grows about 1-2 inches each week! This weekend they let Brandon, and my mom and dad to feel them kick. Typically, they quit kicking as soon as I say to someone “come feel, they’re kicking”. This weekend, they weren’t quite as shy. It could have had something to do with all the sugar I had this weekend too! Whatever works!

Our next doctor appointment in Peoria, where they’ll measure the boys again, is next week. Until then, not much more to report. We’re just hanging out around here taking it easy. All of the babies like to move around during the night, when they all start to attack each other. Gotta love sibling rivalry this early!!

Well, next week I should have a better update for you (hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday by the time I type it up). Until then, hope everyone is doing well!

Stay tuned… more to come!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Trap Door Still Closed

Can you believe it?! 2 posts in one day - bringing this blog up to date!!!

August 29th, 2007:
Today we had another doctor appointment with Maternal Fetal over in Peoria. It was supposed to be a quick cervix measurement, but they ended up measuring the babies too. Last week my cervix was showing signs of shortening. The shorter it is, the closer we are to delivering the babies. That’s not a good thing at this point. The longer the babies can stay inside, the better. I’ve been having weekly appointments to get my cervix measured. The Peoria docs had said once it goes below a certain threshold, they wanted to see me sooner than whenever my next appointment was. Well, my next appointment was supposed to be next week (September), so they scheduled another appointment for today – again, it was supposed to just measure the “trap door” as Adam calls it.

Well, when we got there, they went ahead and measured everybody. She started out trying to get 3D images of the babies’ faces. Baby B was participating quite nicely, but not so much for A and C. We did get some 2D pictures of them. The 3D imaging is awesome, but for triplets, it’s a little too good. It renders so much that we’d see one baby’s face and another one’s foot (in his brother’s face), so it was hard to get good pictures. That seemed to be the theme of today… Too many body parts and not enough room. Even when we could see Baby B’s face, Baby A’s foot was right there above it. Or Baby A and Baby C’s heads were always so close, it was hard to get good measurements. For example, the mustache (or pig nose as Adam calls it) on Baby B is really part of his umbilical cord shadow.

The good news… the boys are growing just right. They all weighed in at 3 lbs 1 oz or 3 lbs 2 ozs. That’s over 9 lbs of baby!!! They’ve all gained about a pound in 3 weeks. That’s a good sign. The bigger they are, the less chances for problems later!

Even mom measured well today! The cervix measurement was back up to where they like to see it. Although, the funny part of getting that measurement is while they were watching the cervix to make sure it didn’t change, Baby A literally punched at the cervix. They thought it was so funny that they took pictures. Unfortunately we didn’t get that one, but I guess they really are “knocking at the door” to get out. Just wait until October boys!! The doctor today even seemed positive that if we keep up like we are, we might make it to the point that we can deliver here in Bloomington. That would be awesome if the babies didn’t need special NICU care. We have to double check with our pediatrician (which we’re still picking) to see how far along we need to be before they’ll agree to deliver here in town.

Other than that, they said to keep up the bed rest. That gets easier each day. The bigger they get the more energy it takes to do the simple things. Even eating a meal tuckers me out! How sad is that?! Otherwise, I can’t complain too much. If I stand for too long, my back starts to hurt, but it could be so much worse! I can’t see my belly button (or toes) and getting out of comfy chairs takes a little longer, but again, 9 lbs of baby – and growing!!!

July and August 2007

On July 1st, we had our second baby shower in Decatur. My mom and sister hosted it (with set-up help from my brother and dad) – talk about a great family!! Oh, but I can’t forget Sydney (my niece). She was also a big help! Mom bought a new tent to put over the drive way (it looks like something you might rent for a wedding) and it sounds like Sydney enjoyed helping put it up and taking it down. We also used the onesies my friends made for me at work as part of the decorations.

We had a great turn out from family and friends, probably about 25-30 people all together. It was a lot of fun. As usual at a shower, we played some games. This time, I totally kicked butt!! You had to name the children of the TV show (or movie) listed. Seems all those hours watching TV pays off sometimes! There was also great food (thanks Barb for all your fancy dishes!) and cake – always cake. There were actually two cakes, one we ate, and one mom and Angela made out of diapers. Very cute!

Again, there were tons of great gifts. Mattie, Chloe and Sydney were all a big help moving the gifts for me. Sydney even liked one of the toys so much, she carried it around the rest of the party (and wasn’t very happy about giving it back, but eventually we convenced her to share with her cousins).

Mom even got some practice holding two babies – Sydney and Eric.
Once it was all done, the gifts were loaded into the new mini-van. Here’s Sydney taking one back (and still holding onto the giraffe).
Thanks again to everyone who was able to come to the shower and for all the great gifts. And of course a big thanks to Mom, Angela, Dad, Brandon and Barb for all the help planning and preparing!

Now that the party is over, bed rest begins. My first week of bed rest started the day after the shower. Now it’s been two months and I still don’t know what I do every day to fill the day up (Adam can’t figure it out either!). Some days are more productive than others. I’ve had a few visitors, and that helps pass the days along. Brandon came up and brought his PlayStation 2. Now it seems I’m addicted to Lego Star Wars. We tried playing one of the other games, but it stressed me out too much! Video games are not my specialty, especially if they are more complicated. I like the ones with only a few buttons/controls! Of course, before we could start playing the games, we went out and got a new TV. Adam and I had been talking about getting a bigger TV ever since we got a new entertainment center last year. Now we have a new 42-inch LCD TV. Very nice for movies and games, but just reminds us that we don’t have digital cable yet. Jennifer and Derek came over one weekend for a visit. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but for the first time, the guys won the game! I still think the babies were sabotaging the girl’s team. Although we did come back from over half way behind on the board to within one space before the end!! Another weekend, Lauren, Brian, John and Amy came by and we played Killer Bunnies. Sounds like an odd game, and maybe it is a little odd, but it’s really fun. Thanks to everyone who’s kept me company!

On July 12th, we had another dr. appointment and another baby class, both in Peoria. Everything with the doctor appointment went well. They reconfirmed that they were all boys and they each weighted 1 lb 3 ozs. The class we attended that evening was specifically for multiples. Everyone there (about 5 other couples) was expecting twins. The class was taught by two moms that had twins, so we got their perspective on how to handle the multiples, from coping with extended time in the NICU to dealing with two (or more) babies at home. We also got a tour of the nurseries and NICU. Each husband got to push around his pregnant wife in a wheelchair – a caravan through the hospital and of course the elevators were fun. It’s amazing how many wheelchairs you can fit in them at once! We got to see the little babies in the NICU through the windows, and believe me when I say little – they were tiny!! It’s kinda scary to see them so small and hooked up to so many machines. They also showed us the delivery rooms, although we didn’t see the surgical suite which is where they’ll do the C-section. No big – I can wait to see that!

August 8th we had another appointment with the Maternal Fetal group to measure the babies, but this time here in Bloomington. Seems once a month they have a “clinic” here in Bloomington. Sounded great since we wouldn’t have to drive all the way to Peoria. Problem was, the machine was definitely a portable machine. It was about the size of my laptop. We weren’t able to see the screen while she was looking at the babies and it couldn’t print out pictures either. The good news is that the boys are still growing like they should. Baby A and Baby C were about 1 lb 13 ozs and Baby B was 2 lbs 1 oz. Yeah, that’s 6 lbs of baby!! No wonder I look so huge!!! Adam needs longer arms :)

The following week, at my weekly appointment here in Bloomington, they did get a couple of quick pics of the babies. Baby C wasn’t participating very well for a face pic, but we did get one of all three heads in one frame (the first picture).

Mid-August, Adam took his annual trip to Gen Con over in Indianapolis. For the past few years I have been going with him to the gaming convention (“The Best Four Days In Gaming” is their motto). Unfortunately, I couldn’t go with him this year so we were both kinda bummed. But he seemed to have a good time and brought the boys back some toys! While he was out of town, I went to an ice cream/dessert party thrown by some friends from the Minonk VillageAires – Donna and Dick Leonard. They have had the party each year for a while now out on their awesome deck, but this year they threw in a twist. They invited everyone to bring diapers, etc for the boys! I was blown away by the generosity of the group! Again, the boys are way too spoiled and they’re not even out yet. Thanks Donna and Dick for thinking of us and thanks to everyone who brought something. We are fortunate to be blessed with such great people in our lives!

Well, that’s about it for July and August. Being on bed rest isn’t too exciting, but at least we go out once a week for dinner or a movie or something. Adam has been awesome taking care of the 4 of us. I know it’s frustrating for me to not be able to lift things or do as much, but it is worse for Adam… He’s the one that has to do it all! Love you honey!!

We just went to the doctor again today and they measured the babies. I’ll type that up now and post it soon. I’ll let you get through this entry first. Besides, if I start posting in real time, you all might get your hopes up that it will continue that way! Stay tuned… more to come!