Saturday, April 25, 2009

18 Month Checkup

Last week, on the 16th, we took the boys for their 18 month checkup. We usually take them into the office in their strollers to attempt to control the chaos. Being strapped in usually helps for a little while. Unfortunately, I forgot about the dr. appointment and left the strollers with my mom so they could pack them up in their van for our trip to Huntsville. Thankfully, the boys did very well. We had a little time in the waiting room where the boys ran around. The boys enjoyed looking at the aquarium and watching "Nemo" swim around. Alex tried to say Nemo but it kept coming out Elmo.

The doctor checked them out and they were all doing swell.
Alex: 26 lbs. 2 oz (75th %tile) and 32.9 inches (75th %tile)
Logan: 22 lbs. 0 oz (5-10th %tile) and 30.3 inches (25th %tile)
Nick: 25 lbs. 8 oz (50-75th %tile) and 31.9 (50th %tile)

The only concern was Nick's reaction to peanut butter. We have given the boys peanut butter before and Alex loves it. Logan enjoys it okay. Nick would eat one cracker with it and be done. Just wasn't interested. Oddly enough, on the nights we had peanut butter, Nick's face/chin would get red. It was hard to tell if it was a reaction or just dry skin from winter weather so we didn't have it again for a while. Last week we had it out again and the boys ate some. Poor Nick definitely had a reaction this time. It didn't seem to bother him, but his lip became swollen and his eye looked like someone punched him. This picture was taken after the swelling was already going down (and not the best pic of the little guy).

After mentioning this to the doctor, she suggested we get a blood test to check for allergies. I dropped the other two boys off at home (with the nanny - it was about nap time after all) and Nick and I went to get the blood drawn. He was a super trooper! He did pretty well while we checked in. He sat on my lap and even tried to help me write out his name/information on the forms. Granted, his hand writing still needs some work and so does mine when he keeps taking the pen. We climbed into the chair and he just looked at everyone while they prepped. He didn't cry when they put the tourniquet on but did cry when she poked him. He quickly recovered though as soon as she was done. Poor little guy... A couple of days ago we got the results back and he is in fact allergic to Peanuts. That was about all though. Now we get to take him to a Pediatric Allergist Specialist over in Peoria. Hopefully he can tell us how severe it is and what we need to do. In the mean time, we have a couple of Epi-pens just in case he has a reaction.

Back on a happy note... Later that day after the doctor appointments, Grandma Judy and Grandpa Barry stopped by and dropped off a new picnic table for the boys. They were excited to be able to go outside and play with Grandma and Grandpa. They enjoy running up the hill and along the top (back and forth). Although they didn't exactly "sit" at the table, they did like to climb all over it! It is a very handy table for outdoor snack time!

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