Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Comfy Sleepy Clothes

Tonight we put the boys in jammies. They look so cute. Granted, they are all out of it. We're getting more teeth and possibly a bit of a cold which makes for some grumpy spells. Of course they bounce out of it and go to happy baby again quickly, especially if a teething ring is pulled out!

Both Logan and Nick have started standing on their own! Logan would do it for me last night and tonight I was playing with Nick and he did it too. They will both cruise all over (holding on to something). Of course they prefer to stand up then fall straight forward into me. Remember those "Trust" activities where you fall backwards and someone is supposed to catch you? They fall straight forward without hands out or anything. Now we just need to get some steps in. Alex is walking more and more. He still usually has to pull up on something to get up and started, but once he's up, he goes!

And the fun continues... Only 14 more days til the big birthday!!!

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