Thursday, January 22, 2009

Alex - 15 months old

Current stats:
Height: 31 1/2 in.

Weight: 25lb 6 oz

Teeth: 7 - 3 top, 4 bottom. Just got a new one last week. If I didn't see them appear in his mouth, I'd never know they were there. They don't seem to bother him so far, and I'm grateful for that!

What he's up to now...
  • "Fast Feet" - He loves to stomp and move his feet really fast. It's such a cute little dance thing. He especially likes to do it on a floor where it makes more noise - kinda like tap dancing.

  • Loves to eat all things meat! Not sure how he can stand them, but he loves the little baby meat sticks (kinda like mini hot dogs only grosser). And any other meat is devoured upon putting it on his tray. He even refused to eat the other baby food the other night in favor of more chicken.

  • For as aggressive he can be at times, it is so awesome to get a big hug that is very tight. And rarely but occasionally, he'll come over and give a quick kiss - then turn around and walk back to what he was doing.

  • Love to have the water sprayed in his face during bath time. Sometimes he goes a bit spastic too, but still looks up and wants more.

  • Likes to have books read to him. He'll go and grab a book, climb into your lap and let you read it. He's also just as happy joining his brother while you read a book to him. Brother doesn't always like it, but Alex will just sit (or stand) and watch without trying to take over the book (like his brothers do).

  • Enjoys telling us what the tiger/lion/dragon/dinosaur says - "Roar". It's so cute to hear him roar!

  • Very talkative right after he wakes up. He also has learned an evil laugh - quite hilarious to hear - and a bit scary too.

  • Enjoys climbing on the couch and playing with his brothers up there. Climbing in general is fun.

  • Hates to have his diaper changed (laying down often causes tantrums). Hates to get out of the bath and is quite often almost dropped back in the tub due to squirmy activity (wet babies are very slick!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful update on your personality and accomplishments. I'm sure this means nothing to you now but I know your Mom will print this out for you to read and enjoy when you are a young man.
This Great-Grandma just loves to go to Grandma Carol's house and watch you three boys entertain us. In fact, last Saturday, January 17, 2009 I was there enjoying all the activity ~ especially the 'Animal Sounds'!

Love, Great-Grandma Kreher