Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nick - 15 months

Current stats:
Height: 31 3/4 in.

Weight: 25lb 4 oz

Teeth: 6 - 3 top, 3 bottom.
What he's up to now...
  • Nick is very good and consistent at signing. He will sign "more", "sleep", "all done", "play" (although it's very close to all done and usually at the same time - all done, let's play) and "bath". He also can do some of the motions to songs like "If you're happy and you know it", "Patty Cake" and "Itsy-"bitsy spider".

  • Likes to give kisses - big sloppy, wet, open mouthed kisses. Cute and gross all at the same time!

  • Likes to sit down and read a book. He likes to sit in your lap (or between our legs while sitting on the floor) and read his book or have you read it to him. He's also often found sitting and reading a book by himself or more likely, reading it out loud to all of us in the room.

  • Enjoys telling us what the tiger/lion/dragon/dinosaur says - "Roar". It's so cute to hear him roar!

  • Likes to talk to us a lot. He is also pointing at things a lot more. He's either asking what is "that" or he's telling us a story about whatever it is.

  • Enjoys climbing on the couch and playing with his brothers up there.

  • Nick likes to dance too. It's more like his doing squats, but it's very cute in his little white boy way.

  • Hates to have his diaper changed (laying down often causes tantrums). Hates to get out of the bath and is quite often almost dropped back in the tub due to squirmy activity (wet babies are very slick!). Hates to get his faced wiped really hates this and always has.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading about all the accomplishments you and your Brothers do at this young age. You can 'Sign' at this young age, so you know more than this Great-Grandma that's almost 80 years old. It was a lot of fun watching all three of you at Grandma Carol's house last Saturday, 1-17-09. You were sound asleep for your nap when I arrived, while your two brothers were having a 'Hey-Day' making all kinds of noise. Guess you're like this Great-Grandma ~ you can sleep thru anything! Kudo's to you!!
I love all the different animal sounds you do. It's great that you enjoy books but it's understandable with your Daddy being a Librarian.

Love, Great Grandma Kreher