Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Random Update

Two-and-a-half is a lot of fun. The boys are able to communicate soooo much better now (both a blessing and a curse). They are playing together so well. They love to read books (which makes daddy really happy) and have found our collection of Dr. Seuss books recently. They want you to read them the same books over and over. Most of the books we tend to recite in our sleep, and they do too (literally)! As they are going to sleep, instead of counting sheep, they repeat the books to themselves. And, they’ve heard the stories so many times, they can practically read the pages to us. The best thing is when we catch them reading to each other! Two of them will be looking over the same book and talking to each other about it.

And the conversations they have with each other! They talk a lot to each other at the dinner table. Usually it’s scolding a brother, but sometimes they’ll talk about something they were doing earlier in the day or planning what they’re going to do that night. It’s so awesome to watch!  You know they are planning something in this shot:

We’re eating at the table now for all meals; highchairs have turned into boosters.

I still hate feeding them – I never know what they’ll actually eat – but I don’t see that changing in the near (or distant) future. Alex loves pizza; Logan loves sausage; and Nick loves cheese!

They have been enjoying the spring weather and playing outside. They are outside most of the day, either in the back yard or over at the neighborhood park. They still enjoy going for walks in their choo-choo wagon, although pulling all 55-60 lbs of boy (plus the wagon) is definitely a good workout! All the extra running around and fresh air does help tucker them out and sleep a little better. They are now in toddler beds and doing much better than when we started. Just tonight, Alex was telling his dragon (that he brought to bed with him) - “Dragon, bed or timeout. Dragon, bed or timeout”. Seems he hears that a lot – they can make a choice, get in bed and stay there, or sit in the corner in “Time Out”.

Time outs seem to work pretty well for at least getting them to stop a behavior (temporarily). I’m not sure they really learn the lesson though. No matter how many time outs they get for throwing toys or hitting a brother, there’s always more for the same offenses. At least they know where they’re supposed to sit for time outs. It’s hilarious though when one of them gives a brother a time out! They are also great at taking turns... Well... They are great at volunteering a brother (or both brothers) for whatever it is they don’t want to do. When it’s time to get out of the bath, for example, everyone will volunteer someone else to go first.

N: Logan’s turn!
A: Nick’s turn!
L: Alex’s turn!
Odd that it’s never “My turn”... Unless it’s a fight over a toy, etc.

Random picture:
Shopping carts at Sam's Club

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I love the new pictures & stories/updates! You definitely need to post more often ;-) I think it's so cute that the boys are starting to talk to & play with each other a lot more now.