Tuesday, April 15, 2008

6 Month Checkup

We had our 6 month doctor appointment today. Dawn and I packed up the boys and were there right before 8:30. Our pediatrician had moved offices so I figured I'd need to fill out new paperwork (in triplicate) so I wanted to make sure we were on time. When checking in at the desk, they told me that we weren't on their schedule for the day. It seems when the receptionist from the old office called to tell me the doctor was moving, she was supposed to tell me to call the new office and reschedule our appointment. Instead, she said everything was transferred. Never really liked that lady. Anyway, they were able to see us at 10:30, so we went home, the boys napped for a while and then went back later.

Everything checked out great. The boys are all growing well with nothing exciting to report. Nick has a lot of ear wax, Alex's cheeks are dry and red. Nick's hip doesn't pop anymore and she didn't hear murmers in Alex or Logan. They gave us advice on feeding (only introduce one item at a time to check for allergies, etc.) and said keep up the good work. Alex did give himself a hickey on his wrist while we were there. Not sure if he was nervous or bored. Then again, they do like to chew/suck on themselves like crazy.

Our little babies aren't as little anymore! They have almost tripled in weight since birth!
Alex: 17 lbs 9 oz (50 %ile); 27 inches (75 %ile)
Logan: 14 lbs 14 oz (15 %ile); 26.5 inches (50 %ile)
Nick: 17 lbs 10 oz (50 %ile); 27.25 inches (75 %ile)


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh wow! what great weights! so happy to hear they are doing so well!!!

Milk Mama said...

Wow! They are doing so well! Those weights are fantastic! My daughter was 20 pounds at six months. That was big for a singleton! I'm sure that you are so proud! You are doing a great job, mama! :D