Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tooth Poll

I was going to add a poll to the blog to see who everyone thought would get their next tooth. Seems we've all been teething lately (read: grumpier - than usual - at random times, waking up in the middle of the night and crying out - only to go right back to sleep, drool, drool and more drool, sucking our lips in as far as they go and chewing on them, devouring a frozen teething ring if given the opportunity, not to mention stealing my brother's teething ring - even if it's 2 bouncer chairs away and I have to tip mine over to get to it - as depicted below, etc.).

Logan stealing Nick's teether

I say that I was going to add a poll because tonight, the boys answered it for me (okay, so it could have been last night, but I wasn't home enough to notice). Alex's second tooth has popped through! I was playing with the boys tonight, taking some pictures and actually got a good shot of his teeth. He's usually not willing to show them to you! All the pics from tonight are close up and at different angles. I had the camera and they all wanted to grab at it. I'm usually pretty good at the self-portrait pictures (ya know, hold the camera out in front of you and take a picture of you and maybe a friend - and barely get your faces in it - especially when you have short arms like me), but taking the pics of all 3 at once was not easy. All while trying to keep them from grabbing the camera. Anyway, some of the pics turned out cute (although again, I'm biased). Here are a couple, but I've also added some to the slideshow on the blog.

Does everyone know which baby is which? Or do you want/need me to label the pics?

More randomness coming soon!


Lauren said...

Awe, how cute - love the new pictures! I can tell them apart :)

John Davidson said...

Well, I just need to see them more so I can.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

my babies do the same thing with the camera...makes photo sessions SO difficult! love the pictures, they all look so cute and are getting so big!