Tuesday, July 7, 2009


aka - Sharkbait

Logan loves to laugh. It is the best sound in the whole world. He will giggle or break into a full out belly busting laugh. The little man is ticklish too. It is awesome to get him laughing and he'll keep going for a crazy long time. He's also prone to hiccups. Not sure if these two are related or not, but still adorable.

Logan is smaller than his brothers - but that doesn't mean much. He's also learned a dangerous defense mechanism - biting. It's usually Alex, but Nick has been bitten too. Both of these two have learned to say "no biting" quite well! When Logan gets frustrated, he gets mad and tries to inflict pain, either to himself or whoever is around him. I know it's horrible, but he's so cute when he gets frustrated. You just have to stop him before he hurts something/someone! Biting is thankfully a random/rare thing. (Logan has 4 teeth/2 molars on the top and bottom.)

Logan’s language skills are currently the least developed of the three. Until recently, he wouldn't say anything. There were some things he'd sign - milk, more, etc. But in general, he didn't talk... well, he didn't speak English. He'd go on rants in toddler talk as you've seen in some of the movies I've posted on the blog. Otherwise, he was fine pointing and grunting or letting his brothers talk. He's slowly picking up more words now. He also has a few "cue" lines. When we say Sharkbait - he says "ohhha" (as in the movie - oooh-haha). He also growls any time he sees Darth Vader. Not sure how he learned that one! I still like when he tries to communicate "eat". He'll sign it by putting one finger to/in his mouth and just make the "t" sound.

He loves to climb - anything. He was the first to climb out of his crib. He climbs out of his pack n play and can usually scale over half way up a gate. Speaking of gates... he has learned how to open the gate. Granted, since they broke the gate a month or so ago, it isn't quite as strong as before. But he can consistently walk over and pop it open! And then run for it of course! He also enjoys playing with or watching all the bugs (outside only please). He's even picked up a few, but they don't stay alive too long after they get smashed. And then there are rocks. He loves to pick up handfuls and throw them. Or eat them. He tries at least one rock a day, just in case the flavor changes. I love the adventurous little man he's becoming!

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