Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Nick is hard to describe. He is both "sensitive" and "rough". He definitely clings to mom or grandma (or really any female) when he's tired or in a mood. He sometimes requires a pacifier to calm him down and then won't let it go until he's good and ready. He also tackles his brothers. When they play their version of "tag" - Nick is always it. He's been known to come up behind one of his brothers, give him a bear hug and take him to the ground. He's also the one that initiates hugs and kisses with his brothers. And he likes to help calm a crying brother by putting his finger to his lips and "shushing".

Nick needs his sleep. If he doesn't get it, he's grumpy. When we changed their schedules a few weeks ago and took out one of their naps, Nick was the one I was worried about most. He consistently took both naps, and full advantage of them! Although he's doing well with the new schedule, he more often sleeps in his highchair during lunch than actually eats lunch. He's happy to get down from his chair and go lay on a pillow. He'll eventually perk up and play, but is more than willing to go upstairs for nap time.

Nick has always been good at picking up new signs and using sign language to communicate with us. As he started using more words, we noticed there were still a number of things he'd still choose to sign as well. In fact, for a while, he would not vocalize "milk" - he would only sign it. As we'd go through one of their word books, he'd say all the things he knew, but when he pointed at milk, he'd just sign it. Since then, he's said it a little more, but still prefers to sign it than say it. He started talking shortly after Alex did. He has a number of words he uses but is also very good at giving speeches. He'll get up on a box or table and start a passionate delivery of some speech - granted, I have no idea what he's saying, but he's very passionate about whatever it is! He also likes to point and wave his finger at you. And helps us tell his brothers No, No, No. Granted, he'll also say that when he's caught doing something he shouldn't be doing.

Nick loves, loves, loves to swing! When we go outside, that is the one thing he will spend the majority of his time doing. When we went out to a new park a few weeks ago, all he wanted to do was swing. He tried out the other stuff first, but then once he saw the swings, he never went back. (Actually ended up being helpful as we'd have to chase after his brothers that kept running in opposite directions). He even chooses the swings over swimming in the pool! His brothers wont' get out of the water and Nick just wants to go swing, and swing and swing...

For a while, Nick would tell me he was stinky (potty training - here we come!). He just wanted to play on the changing table and get a fresh diaper. Seems it was calmer on the table than in the play room with his brothers. I love the interesting little man he's becoming!

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