Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Updates

It seems like forever since I've posted about the boys and their new achievements. Well, there's no time like today, right?! Throughout the day, I'll post some updates on the guys and what they've been up to. I can't believe they are almost 2 (21 months old next week)!

In general, they are loving the summer ... at least they love being able to go outside and play! Thank goodness for a privacy fence (which they are learning/trying to climb) and nice back yard for them to run around in and burn off energy! They love to swing and play on their little slide and cars. They also love to try and put absolutely anything in their mouth (rocks, grass, chalk, etc.). We've been able to go swimming a few times this summer both in kid pools and a big pool and they enjoy that a lot. They were much more cautious of the sprinkler!

They're all talking more and more each day and getting better at communicating with us. They are very vocal about food and let us know when it is time to eat. They also help us (kinda) know what they want to eat. We offer options and they shake their heads or say yes/no. They also remind us when it's time to watch TV, or bath time or even nap time. Today we thought Nick was saying he wanted "ju-ju" (juice) but he emphatically said no. Finally we realized he wanted to watch "do-do-do" (Scooby Doo). We still have a little work to do on communication and toddler translation!

We are officially down to one nap a day! We start to get a little groggy at lunch time, but we eventually perk back up. Sometimes we just need a little cat nap...

Enjoy the posts. I'll work on updating the pictures soon. If you ever want more current/up-to-date information - follow me on Twitter or Facebook!

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