Friday, June 20, 2008

So long infant carriers

I already miss our carriers. This week we switched out the infant carrier car seats for the bigger, I'm growing up and don't need baby stuff anymore, car seats. At first, it sounds great... the boys are getting bigger and better at getting around on their own; We don't have to store the carriers behind the chair anymore. But then the more I thought about it... Before, we could load the boys in their chairs, grab the rest of our gear, then load up the boys. Now - once we start putting them in their seats, we better be ready to go - it is hot outside in the van (stupid summer)! Speaking of getting them in the van, we had to take out one of the adult seats, put two baby seats in the 3rd row and the 3rd baby seat in the middle row. Did I mention these seats are still rear-facing? Let's just say it's not the easiest to get them in their seats (where as before, they just slid right in). And there's the sleep factor. Before, if they fell asleep when we were out and about, they could just sleep in their seats. Or if they were asleep when we got home, they might stay asleep for a while once we bring them in ... in the carrier.

Waa, Waa, Waa... right? Well, enough complaining. The boys are growing, which is great (I think). It's just one more step to becoming a little man. I'll adjust. And besides, we took them to the grocery store tonight and they looked so cute in their stroller without the carriers (although being the first time in that stroller, it took the adults a few minutes to figure out how to restrain the ever-moving child). And Nick in the cart was very cute! These pics aren't the best - they're from my phone - but you get the gist.

So, although we'll miss the conveniences of the carriers, I'm sure we'll learn to love the new seats too. There will continue to be new experiences (like the store today) which is always fun. Speaking of new experiences... I bought some biter biscuits today for the boys to try. Nick and Logan didn't want to even try. Alex didn't at first, but after a while, seemed to enjoy it...

The best part of the day... Adam's home again! We missed him :-)


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I agree completely... I thought bidding ado to those HEAVY, AWKWARD carriers would be a wonderful thing... until I ran into the same problems as you and desperately wished for it back. Alas, my baby has reached the weight limit so there is no going back. However, it's been a few months now and we're getting more used to it. Hang in there!
Also, those pictures are ADORABLE!!!

Lauren said...

Nick looks so adorable in the shopping cart.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i actually didn't mind the switch from infant to convertible car seats! i hated lugging 3 of those things around...though, mine never really liked to sleep in their car seats so maybe that is why. lol! i am really starting to love baby carriers when we run makes life so much easier!